Monday, March 06, 2006

Casa Hogar "Sagrada Familia" opens

Yesterday at 4 p.m. there was the sound of an engine revving up outside the gate. Yes, it was Tio Jose with the whole Casa Hogar "San Jose ' family. Of course the top of his combi was covered with bags and packages. Within minutes Jose, Edgar, Susana, Margot, and Giovana were busily carrying things in to their respective cabaƱas. Susana asked if they had to ride the combi to school in the morning with the little ones. When I replied, "Yes, for now," she rolled her eyes and sighed. I think she is ready to experience a little more independence! After sharing some cake and some very warm words from Maria Perez, the younger kids loaded up and rumbled out the gate to return home for the night. Already there was radio music blaring from each of the cabins. The teenagers were establishing their new turf!

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