Sunday, March 21, 2010
Site Transfer
Praise God! Our SAMS missionaries in Arequipa have graciously agreed to continue the Casas blog so you can see what is happening with our kids. Thank you Gloria and Sandy! The new blog address is:
Friday, January 15, 2010
Padre Ron and Tia Vicki
Due to medical evaluations in Peru, Padre made an emergency trip to the US for further evaluation. When he left in Nov., it was assumed he would be returning by Christmas to be with the kids. However, it was not to be. Padre and Vicki remain in the US where they covet your prayers for Ron's pancreatic cancer treatments. Give thanks, too, for the wonderful Christian medical personal that have been treating him. Pray as well for Vicki who ministers tirelessly to keep him as well and comfortable as possible.
Needless, to say, the change is the weather has been a shock for them! Brrrr!
Our prayer is that God's Gracious Hand will be over the Casas as the batton of leadership changes and that His Will be done in all things.
Psalm 95
Come, let us bow down, and bend the knee, and kneel before the Lord our Maker.
For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand.
End of Academic Year
At the end of December the Academic School Year ends in Peru and vacation time sets in. This always brings changes with it. Some of our kids may be finishing their time at San Lucas, or finishing their various vocational courses- chef, electrician, seamstress, etc. Vacation time is time to practice piano, learn embroidery, practice English, etc. Also, it is a time when the Peruvian courts often re-evaluate the home situation of various kids. We always pray that God will reunite families where possible. Still, when the courts decide to return a child to a family where the child was removed because of "extreme poverty", we worry about parental motives and what is REALLY best for the child. Please join us in praying for God's guiding hand to be over each one that we hold so dear in our hearts and will miss so much that He will keep them in the palm of His hand. Surrendering loved ones to His Will and His Plan is still tough to do!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Tío Luís Visits
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Christmas Visitor

Much to the Johnson's delight, their daughter Laura was able to visit them at Christmas. Of course this provided more fun for the San Jose kids! Thanks to Sandy for sending these photos. In addition to piano, Gloria is inviting them over to learn embroidery. It is a fun time for all. Needless to say, new teddy bears are a hit!

Thanks to Sandy Johnson's help, we have been able to SKYPE both Casa San Jose and Casa Sagrada Familia. That was a true blessing. Both Tio Bob and Tia Susan Kerr were able to be present for the event. Here are some pics of the kids that the Johnsons were able to take on the Peru end. As you see, everyone looks hale and hearty.

First, an apology for the long delay in postings from the Casas. Things continue to move forward whether I keep you up to date or not!
Unfortunately, Ron became ill in October as the St. Philip's team visited. They did a great job of digging the foundation for the second-story stairs for more classrooms at San Lucas School. Additionally, they were able to visit with each of the Casas one afternoon and spend some good time with the kids. What a great and flexible group they are! It was good to have them actually stay in town rather than just pass by on their way to Cabanaconde. Thanks, guys and gals. Sorry I wasn't up to getting picture together before leaving Peru. We thought it might be a gall bladder surgery and back to Peru before Christmas.
After several more weeks of tests to discover the source of pain, we were advised to return to the US for additional tests which we did on Nov.9. We thought it might be a gall bladder surgery and back to Peru before Christmas. Next, out of His Providence, God provided fantastic medical assitance through Christian doctors in the US.
Finally, after a hospital stay, it was determined Nov.29th that Ron has pancreatic cancer and will not be returning to Peru. Praise God for the wonderful medical attention he has received and all the wonder prayers and support!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Friday, October 09, 2009
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